My name is Mike
Born in the North and now living in the Midlands, I started drawing from a young age coping drawings from books and video game boxes or magazines. I felt drawing was an escape from the world around me. Throughout school I loved to draw, my teachers called me lazy but with a creative flair. I was never interested in the academic things, my enthusiasm was always in creation of things. I tried my hands at all sorts from sculpting through to wood wood work but found my calm in drawing and painting.
I went to college and studied art, learning techniques and studying other artists work which. in the end didn't work out as I believed art was about expression when my lecturers wanted me to do what they had taught me. After college I got a job, moved on and left the hand drawn art behind and went into photo manipulation and video editing. It was 4 years after leaving I found my love for drawing once more.
Living with 4 cats, I found having paints around impractical which is when I discovered Digital Art, painting through a computer it gave a full pallet of everything I needed and every tool I could ever need. It wasn't an easy thing to pick up, learning to watch the screen and move your hand is quite a challenge at times but the creative freedom it gave me really helped push my creativeness to the next level. I went into creating fan art, using my PC and graphics tablet to digitally paint photo style realism of popular characters and scenes but I felt it lacked the emotion that art should portae and I soon lost interest, looking for another path to take. I stumbled across an art form called scribble art. there were no rules to what you needed to do and I became hooked quite fast Browsing YouTube and learning the technique. I guess that brings us to here and now, and I don't have a lot more to say. A lot of this probably doesn't make sense or flow like a standard auto biography should, but I did say earlier that I was never good at the whole writing thing.